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TBO History


On September 30, 1990, a group of 29 active and inactive Alpha Kappa Alpha members met at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Shopping Center Community Room in Los Angeles to discuss the possibility of forming a new sorority chapter.  After considering the benefits and challenges of this venture, the group of enthusiastic, dedicated women united and formed The Marina Del Rey Pebbles Interest Group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®  Under the leadership of A. Mable Lapesarde, the “Pebbles” completed an action plan and met all of the requirements for becoming a chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® within seven months of the initial meeting.


The highlight of the preparation for chartering the chapter was the culmination of teamwork.  The result was a Youth Summit: a full-day educational program for South Central Los Angeles high school students with college aspirations.  College preparation and application advice was provided by university faculty and personnel.  The 75 students in attendance expressed their appreciation for the insight and information shared with them on that special day.  A formal request for chartering was submitted to the AKA Corporate Office in March 1991.  The Tau Beta Omega Chapter was chartered on April 27, 1991.  The chartering consisted of an elegant ceremony led by Far Western Regional Director, Billie J. Barrett, at the Marina Hotel in Marina Del Rey; followed by a grand luncheon attended by members, family, and friends.


During its first year, members of Tau Beta Omega came together in fellowship at varied activities and fundraisers.  Tau Beta Omega Chapter’s community service activities expanded over the years to include the annual Science Fair at Flournoy Elementary School in Watts; financial and in-kind contributions to The Sunshine Mission, a women’s shelter in South Central Los Angeles; and scholarship fundraising for undergraduate and graduate students in Los Angeles.


One of the greatest advantages of our chapter is its size because everyone is a valued member, and all contributions are genuinely appreciated.  We are committed to continuing the legacy of exemplary service established by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.  We are excited about future opportunities to make a difference in our community.

Charter Members

Tammy Belcher

Barbara Boudreaux

Katessa Charles

Willa Davis

Thelma Eaton

Michelle Edmonds

Danita Evans

Pamela Gates

Marva Green*

Benita Lynn Horn

Phaedra Hyche

A. Mable Lapesarde*

Fannie McDuffie*

Florence Wallace McGaw*

Mary "Betsy" McRae

Vera Moffett*

Marian Mouton

Gwendolyn Newman

Cynthia Paul

Eleanor Peterson

Cathy Reed

Charmaine S. Robinson

Rose Shields*

Carolawyn Smith

Sharon Sumpter

Meltonia Van Der Hans*

Karen Rivers Wright



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